We are proud to announce that Tom Melody, Carmen Forte Jr., Mallory Milluzzi, and Anne Skrodzki presented at this year’s Illinois Library Association Conference, as well as sponsored the Trustee’s Luncheon.
These great topics included:
“Next Agenda Item…Public Comment” – 9am-10am (Mallory and Carmen)
“Do’s and Don’ts of Construction Projects” – 11am-12pm (Carmen and Anne)
“Maintaining Confidentiality while Navigating the Open Meetings Act: Best Practices for Agendas and Closed Sessions” – 1:45pm-2:45pm (Tom, Mallory and Anne)
“So You’re Getting a Union, Now What??? – How to Prepare for a Staff Union Creation and How to Effectively Interact with a Labor Union” – 3pm-4pm (Tom)
You can check out their presentations at:
For more information about the annual ILA Conference, see the link below.
It was a pleasure for Tom, Carmen, Mallory and Anne to present this year, in addition to the firm being a Gold Sponsor! There is no doubt that they are already excited for next year’s conference.